Bariatric Services

Bariatric Psychological Evaluation, Nutrition Evaluation and Medically Supervised Diets

For patients who are beginning their bariatric surgery journey, you may find that you need certain services to meet your insurance requirements in order to get authorization for surgery. This is common and often includes bariatric psychological evaluations, bariatric nutrition evaluations, and medically supervised diets.

At Fusion HFX, our team can complete all of these requirements and send them to your surgeon directly without any interruptions. We make it a simple and streamlined process. Since we specialize in Bariatrics, we know exactly what to document to avoid any delays. We understand that this can be a stressful time, so our goal is to make the process as smooth and easy as possible for you. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you meet your insurance requirement.

Since we specialize in Bariatrics, we know exactly what to document to avoid any delays.

Bariatric Support Groups

Bariatric surgery is a big decision, and it’s one that comes with a lot of change. Not only do patients have to adjust to a new diet and lifestyle, but they also have to deal with the physical and emotional changes that come with significant weight loss. That’s why we offer support groups for our bariatric patients.

Led by our mental health providers, these groups provide a space for patients to share their experiences, learn from each other, and fellowship with others who understand what they’re going through. Our support groups are an essential part of the post-surgery journey, and we’re committed to providing the best possible care for our patients.

Our support groups provide a space for patients to share their experiences.

Integrative Bariatric Weight Loss Program for Weight Regain After WLS

Gut health is often overlooked in the world of bariatrics, but it can be incredibly helpful in the journey to avoid malabsorption conditions and to help contribute to additional weight loss. Our integrative bariatric weight loss program focuses on healing from the inside out, using no prescription medications. Instead, we focus on nutritional choices and mindful movement/exercise to help heal your gut and improve your overall health and wellness.

This holistic approach has helped many of our patients achieve their weight loss goals and maintain their results long-term. If you’re struggling to lose weight or keep it off, our program may be right for you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you reach your goals.

Our integrative bariatric weight loss program focuses on healing from the inside out, using no prescription medications.

Book a Free Consultation

Let’s start a conversation that could change your health.

Don’t wait another day, get in touch with us today to get started.

Office: 15131 Ogden Loop, Odessa, FL 33556  |  Phone: 813.815.0897  |  Email:


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